(469) 300-9577 business@ordersai.com

Credit goes to Business Women Media. Thanks to ROWENA NAGY for publishing such a nice & most accurate article.

Traditional forms of marketing are fine— if you’re a well-known business and if you have the budget for it.

But if you’re not well known and your finances are fairly limited, you have to find creative ways to market your business and stand out to people.Fortunately, there are a lot of ways you can do this.

1. Inside envelopes

We’re in a digital age, but don’t ignore the opportunities still presented in the everyday paper world. While many businesses have taken the digital route when communicating with customers and clients, some still send letters.

Using envelopes is a great way to market and promote your business as it can keep clients and customers up-to-date on your business’ product or service information, contact details and promotions, and even allows youtoo reach out to potential clients.

2. Vehicles

Using a vehicle is a great marketing opportunity for you to advertise your small or online business, as it’s a fairly inexpensive way to advertise what you do.

You only need to pay to have your businesses information put on your vehicle—and of course fuel from all the driving.The extra upside? It may make it easier to claim your vehicle as a business expense.

3. Bathroom stalls

Not to be indelicate,  but people are a captive reading audience, and probably aren’t doing much else, when in this situation.

So having a small sized poster on the back of bathroom stall doors is a great way to advertise your businessit. Just make sure to pick stalls that hit your target market.

4. Packaging

Having uniquely marked packaging can be a great way to advertise and market your businessas it will make you stand out from the crowd.

5. Don’t overlook press releases

A press release can be an equally good way to share information, promote yourself and business, and announce any changes to your business that may interest your customers and clients. Target journalists you know are covering your industry or area – and don’t neglect your smaller local media… they reach potential clients too!

6. Mobile marketing

You’d be hard pressed to find a business that doesn’t have a website. But if that website can’t be viewed on a mobile phone, it can hurt your business and chances of gaining new customers.

Mobile phones, and technology in general, are here to stay and are a great marketing opportunity for your business as people use their phones for practically everything— especially when on the go. Make sure your website is adaptive for mobile devices.

7. Social media

Social media is an incredibly popular form of interaction and sharing.

And it is also a great marketing opportunity for your business and way to gain new customers, increasing people’s awareness of you and your business. Here is where you can set up relationships with your client base!

8. Email marketing

Email marketing is still an effective tool for your business, as it’s often a customers’ preferred method of receiving information to read in their own time.

If you’re in retail, this is a great way to market your business, as online purchases are incredibly easy, with a customer more likely to do this from an email from your business.